Just a good movie
30 March 2008
There are a lot good and bad comments, - so heavy to add something new to, but i try.

(1) It's heavy for one indie to pay a star ! (2) But we also need to make the good films, so we do our best. (3) This film is total different to all "sample", what folks here try to related with, it's unique and fresh in mind. (4) There no "copy" in plot to anything else ! (5) It's totally ORIGINALLY ! (6) Perfect acting ! (7) Super editing in picture and sound, of course cinematography as well... (8) The director make his best to show the roots of a the psychopath-killer...

and I guess, (but not sure) the director try to claim someone outside of that pure guy, the serial killer,

By the way abuse is not that seldom, as well in US and outside, so the MESSAGE is arrive everyone, who thing with brain, and not with his cock,

Resume: - ALL GREAT IN THAT MOVIE, Congratulations, Thomas to succeeded film!

to all other: tip : - go make your one, if u don't like others works.... ;-))
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