AfterMASH (1983–1985)
"Spin Off Ride Was Painless"
27 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm one of many who tuned in,in Sept. Of 1983 to watch this series sequel and help it at least get to #15 in the '83-84 ratings. It wasn't a horrible idea but it wasn't the best of ideas either.

I will not blast AfterMASH for it's failure to live up to "M*A*S*H but what I will say is that when a TV series,or movie series or a music act is popular for a long time,it has it's own time and place and when it's over it literally is the end of an era.

M*A*S*H debuted in the midst of Vietnam,soon to be Watergate and just a time in America when things were upside down. At the end in 1983,all of that was over (supposedly). AfterMASH is among the many failed sequel shows like: "Golden Palace"(Golden Girls), "The Sanford Arms"/"Sanford"(Sanford & Son), "Three's A Crowd" (Three's Company) and "Joey"(Friends). Simply,enough is enough the first go 'round.

...and let's not forget the horrid general Spin Off from Cheers, "The Tortellis" !! UGH! *Makes AfterMash look, "M*A*S*H".

The plot lines and writing were very much like the old show and the drama was first rate but AfterMASH lacked a very important ingredient a "star" name. Morgan,Farr & Christoher were famous "yes" but they are and always will be "character" actors. They were great on M*A*S*H but they didn't have enough name or "pull" to attract the numbers M*A*S*H racked up.

What also never helps is network tampering. I could be wrong about the show,maybe being successful... and maybe it would have been if not for stupidly placing it against "The A-Team" (if Happy Days couldn't win,what chance would a new show have?). Then,dumping actors (especially a different Mildred in Season 2!) and the old ploy of "special guest star from the original series." I did like the show with Radar and was glad to see him no longer a virgin and dealing with a real issue.

In the end,the plot with Klinger on the run from the police for belting a guy was just like,"What's the big deal about punching a guy who deserved it?" I also got tired of Sunn Lee saying .."but Max,our baby doesn't have a name!" I thought,well just name the kid already!

As for the results next season,some good shows...especially the final appearance of Col. Flagg at Klinger's court trial,but the damage was done. It may have hurt the actors when it was pulled but for me,well,I simply moved on to the 80s sitcoms I was already watching. Not as deep or poignant but heck,the 70s were long gone.

Five stars,it was painless to watch but better for all after the curtain finally fell. (END)
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