Review of War

War (2007)
24 December 2007
Jason Statham takes on Jet Li. Statham plays a federal agent on a big case. When Li blows into the middle of it all hell breaks loose. Statham's partner believes he's killed Li, but Li has survived and he kills the partner and his family to cover his tracks. Statham knows who's behind it and he begins to hunt down Li. Meanwhile Li is playing his own game involving the various Asian criminal organizations. Sub-par as Statham and Li movies movies go this is a just okay action thriller thats has a good many twists and turns none of which add up to much.Frankly even by mindless action movie standards its pretty crappy.All that the film really has is a good number of action sequences, however they are so blandly filmed, despite Corey Yuen's choreography that they aren't as exciting as they should be. Definitely wait for cable.
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