A real disappointment
5 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I went to The Darjeeling Limited with reasonably high expectations having enjoyed Anderson's earlier films and given that my family were originally from Gujerat (not far from the film's locations in Rajasthan). However, I found it to be largely crass, laboured and insensitive. It's the kind of film that Americans who have never been to India might enjoy, but for anyone who loves and knows the country it's quite another matter.

It's hard to warm to any of the characters - they are a series of quirks rather than real people (eg Jason Schwartzman doesn't wear shoes, for some unfathomable reason). In particular, it's not so great to watch bland, unlikeable Americans going to India to 'find' themselves when the film is so uninterested itself in India. Here it is nothing more than a colourful backdrop. Anderson clearly cares for it so little that a scene supposedly taking place in the foothills of the Himalayas was clearly shot in Rajasthan. For those of you who haven't been, the foothills are about as dissimilar from Rajasthan as Montana is from New York. They are a world apart.

The film is laden down with some of the worst metaphors that I have seen in a supposedly 'intelligent' film. When the three brothers finally discover the real meaning of life, they literally abandon their baggage - they dump it on the station platform! It's a long time since I've seen something as laboured as this.

This film is cultural appropriation of the worst sort.
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