Review of Enough

Enough (I) (2002)
Am I the only person who realizes how awful this movie is?
12 September 2007
I appreciate a good "bad movie". If a movie is bad enough, it can be fun to watch. This movie, however, is SO bad that you can't even enjoy it's awfulness. I mean seriously. I'm *very* patient for bad movies, in many cases i love them, but this may very well be the absolute worst movie I've ever seen, and not just because of the terrible supporting actors.

In all sincerity, pornography typically has better writing and directing than this, and the plot makes more sense. The real paradox about this film; despite being disorganized and random, it somehow manages to be totally predictable.

For those who haven't seen it, the basic plot is that a WONDERFUL guy marries j-lo and gives her everything she wants. 5 years into the marriage, his pager goes off, and she looks at the number instantly comes to the conclusion that he's cheating on her. She decides to leave in the middle of the night while he's asleep in the room, rather than during the hours and hours he's away during the daytime. So he decides to kick j-lo in the face a bunch of times, which doesn't leave a scratch on her. The rest of the movie is basically him pursuing her.

So she runs away, and he chases after her, trying VERY visibly and publicly to kill her. By "publicly" i mean doing things like... knocking down total strangers to run up to a bus she's on, then pounding on the side of the bus while screaming something to the effect of "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU AS SOON AS I CATCH YOU BITCH"... or kicking in hotel room doors... or sending goons to vandalize the place she's living at, who delight us by delivering gripping and thrilling lines like "Hey Bitch, do you know what it feels like to die because you are so stupid?". In fact, i think the word "bitch" occurs once for every 3 spoken lines.

The characters fail to achieve even a meager 2 dimensions; even cartoon villains are more conflicted than these characters. The "bad guys" (i.e. men) are 100% evil and unremorseful, and the "good guys" (i.e. girls) are perfect and pure in their motivations.

If you enjoyed this movie, be sure to also catch Troll 2 and Panic Room and Road Rage. I enjoy terrible movies, but this was just above and beyond terrible.
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