Review of Moral Orel

Moral Orel (2005–2009)
A shining example
27 July 2007
People will either love or hate this show, however this does not give people who hate the show because of their religious belief the right nor the permission to push their own religious belief on others. Posting outrage, isn't going to convert anyone your going to actually drive them away.

There are 4 points to this show that ring true, that these people do not see for they are blinded by the opiate of the masses.

1. Taking the bible literally is a very bad ideal. Parables are to be translated. 2. Allowing children to be exposed to fundamental non restrained religion with generic explanations is a very dangerous thing. 3. All the answers is not found in ancient text. 4. Hypocrisy abounds.

Religion is not a bad thing, in moderation. The same with anything that makes you feel good.

When in the end its all one thing, and the steps to take to accomplish that goal.

1. Be kind and forgive one another. (GOD does the same thing)
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