Harmless but routine entry in the "Rusty" series...
23 June 2007
It's the adults who have the best roles in this Rusty flick. JOHN LITEL is authoritative and dependable as the father who has to lecture his son (TED DONALDSON) on taking the law into his own hands. ANN DORAN does a nice job as Litel's wife and STEPHEN DUNNE is sturdy and believable as the heir to a wealthy man's estate who wants kids and dogs to stay off his private property.

And most importantly, THURSTON HALL as the friendly counsellor who's been a friend to the boys and wants his nephew to resume the relationship he has had when he passes away. It's a relationship that gets off to a bad start when Dunne almost runs over Rusty when he first arrives at the house. GLORIA HENRY is the attractive female who despises Dunne until she gets to know him better.

As is the case in all of these "Rusty" stories, all the loose ends are neatly tied up in the last eight minutes in time for a happy ending. Rusty's big moment comes when he rescues Dunne from drowning.

Trivia note: What strikes me is that TED DONALDSON is shooting up fast, towering over most of his playmates.
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