Lost connections...
23 April 2007
Bruce Li stars in this sequel as the the brother of the character played by Bruce Lee in the original 1972 movie. However things have gotten worse for the Chinese since Bruce Lee's character died and the Japanese are so mean that they don't let them visit the grave of Lee's character, get killed constantly and worst of all they do it for no particular reason. I must admit that The Chinese Connection II might be at least a passable movie if available in Cantonese with subtitles because the dubbed version certainly doesn't provide enough background or plot to make this is even close to as enjoyable as the original first movie. Bruce Li does have a screen presence, this is a fact he has a quality about him which suggests he might've had more talent then just going into ludicrous dramatics while kicking the crap out of various people. What makes Chinese Connection II so disappointing is that it literally is nothing but endless action sequences with no story to make the action sequences mean anything. Don't get me wrong plot isn't very important, but I for one wanted a reason and motivation for Bruce Li's vengeance as well as why the bad guys did what they did. Unfortunately it's all vague and because of this the action sequences (while well staged) lack the overall edge a normal martial arts flick would have.

*1/2 out of 4-(Poor)
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