Don't be surprised - everyone hates America
3 March 2007
It is unfortunate that Americans are constantly being watched for the wrong and never credited for the right. This "documentary" disappoints me because it focuses on what some have termed harsh techniques while not highlighting the true conditions that existed.

Rumsfeld is made out to be a cold and heartless man who authorized certain "torture techniques." I am fortunate enough to have read a copy of the memo handed down from Mr. Rumsfeld and others. These techniques involved things such as forcing the detainees to eat MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), which is what our military eats on a regular basis, and adjusting the light so that the prisoners are only allowed 8 (yes 8) hours of sleep at a time. I do believe that our country should set an example, and I also believe that we have done so... in a good way for those of you who just rolled your eyes. We have set an example of strength, power and protection and that should continue. Unfortunately, there are many who live within our borders who are more concerned with what others think of them than their own safety. They apologize while their countrymen fight for their right to apologize.

I am not saying that I agree with everything that went on in the AG prison; however, I do believe that the military has proved its ability to deal with situations such as this without the help of the general public. I don't think it does America any good for our media to plaster pictures and videos of our soldiers' mistakes all over the news. Do we see other countries doing that? No! And if anyone actually believes that America is the only country with a military that makes mistakes, well, I don't even need to waste my time with that discussion.

I would like to say more, however am running out of space.

I hope that, even if you disagree with the Abu Ghraib situation, you will still support our troops who are doing their job - and they are doing a damn good job of it! It is their job after all, and Americans are notorious for giving their all no matter what it is to be accomplished.

In summary, this is yet another movie that will cause the rest of the world to laugh at us and our inability to support our own in times of crisis.

Our weakness is our separation and that is what makes us, as a country, vulnerable.
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