Review of Isolation

Isolation (2005)
Disjointed Aliens exercise in the farm setting
26 November 2006
The first one third of the movie was just to build up something. The second third consisted of purposeless hanging around seasoned with naturalistic vet scenes. The ending third was filled with, say, fight scenes, puzzling you on what they were actually doing and what they were doing it for. This was it.

Some points made me really wonder. I've never seen a movie, where people went on fighting creatures without even a kitchen knife in their hands. Never seen people deciding to fight without even a trace of escape planning. Finally, I've never seen a movie with such space disproportions. Small barns suddenly turned to be enormous from inside. Two heroes in the same barn staying still and calling each other by shouting suddenly appear to be barely two meters apart.

Generally I liked the actors, although there was nothing to perform except some harsh vet duties. Generally I liked sets as well. Hanging chains, pumps, huge desolated barns were atmospheric by themselves, although poorly used to develop on the mood of the movie. The only sets elements used properly were mud and cows.

There is nothing in this movie - nothing fresh, no emotions, no scares. Even the process of watching itself doesn't deliver anything except wonders on how poor the directing can go given with a good crew, actors and sets. Save your time for something else.
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