Fantastic Game!
15 November 2006
I have recently completed F.E.A.R. on the xbox 360 and wanted to write a review for people who might be interested in this game.

F.E.A.R. reminds me of movies like The Grudge and The Ring. You are a member of the F.E.A.R.(First Encounter Assault Recon) team which handles paranormal threats.

The story is pretty cool and brings you to all kinds of places. The environments are big, dark and creepy. It reminded me of Doom 3, where you would walk through a corridor or room and suddenly you hear something behind you, you turn around and there is nothing there only to turn around again and being attacked by a horrible monster. There are lots of scary moments in the game like that.

The A.I. was very challenging. They try to work out tactics, trying to flank you, smoke you out or get up behind you. They are really good team players.

The graphics are really awesome, the fire and explosions effects are top notch and so are the lighting and gore effects. Your enemies can be totally obliterated, losing arms, legs, heads and other horrible ways to die. The level design is pretty good as well, although sometimes you lose your way it never gets frustrating since there are more ways to get from A to B. But I encourage to check out every corner and every inch of the environment for weapons and med kits and boosters for your health and reflex abilities.

The reflex system(slow motion mode) works very well and was designed to help you out in the harder parts of the game so don't waste it on the wrong time.

The sounds are very good as well, you hear voices and other creepy sounds all around you every now and then. There isn't much music it's more sounds that make you feel uncomfortable. The sound that all your guns make is also really satisfying.

The weapons in this game start out like your average shooter but further on in the game you will find some new toys to play with.

The multiplayer part is pretty cool as well, you have teambased games like capture the flag or team deathmatch but also normal deathmatch and other types of online or network play. The thing I would really had loved was playing the campaign in coorperative mode like in Perfect Dark Zero, Doom 3, Halo 1 and 2 and so on.

There are also some bad things about F.E.A.R. like the flashlight, it doesn't last long and has to reload its batteries. I also had some problems with the melee attacks, when you carry a weapon and hit the melee button and try hit something my gun was replaced for hand to hand combat, but it didn't happen very often though. The game isn't extremely long, I completed it under 8 hours playing the normal difficulty.

Overall this is an awesome game with great visuals and great action. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves first person shooters and horror.
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