Network Entertainmrnt Made From Application of the Golden Rule!
6 November 2006
When I look over the list of films and television shows that this writer has sat down and tried to write a little piece about, surprised that this show is included.

First of all, this EXTREME MAKE OVER: HOME EDITION is one of those so called 'reality series',that have become so popular in recent years. Other than boxing series, THE CONTENDER (with Sly Stallone and Sugar Ray Leonard), I really don't care for any of these. Quite by accident, I was indirectly exposed to it several week in a row. Well, the little Lady (Mrs. Ryan) in our house would have it on Sunday evenings, while we were have dinner. (It seemed only fair to give in and watch, if only as a compensation for all of the various arrays of Baseball*, College and Pro Football, Cop Series, etc., that I watched.) Well, I suppose things besides warts can grow on you and low and behold, this writer began to look forward to it! It was a great change of pace.It also seemed to have an exposition of the Common Man, affording participants with that 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol once said we were all due! Shows featuring give-aways have long been a part of broadcast fare.

Since the early days of television (and Radio, for that matter) there have been those productions which featured "give-aways." These usually had a Master of Ceremonies (M.C.),who would officiate in the game,which usually consisted of a quiz or completion of certain small tasks. STOP THE MUSIC, THE BIG PAYOFF and BREAK THE BANK were all classic examples.**

EXTREME MAKE OVER:HOME EDITION does not use a game or competition between worthy individuals. Every family has been found in need and qualified,long before a project is planned.

The hardships that a family is enduring and the old, worn-out dwelling that they occupy are always reviewed for all to see. Meanwhile, those involved in the planning of the new abode are interviewed. It is then that we learn just how the new dwelling will be customized for this particular.

The subject family is then sent off on a weeks vacation to Disneyland, or some such destination, for a good stretch of relaxation and fun. Meanwhile, our TV Picture tube is dazzled with all sorts of volunteer tradesmen, neighbors and other volunteers, parading, shouting, singing as they assault the old, and replace it with the new. most of these scenes are obviously choreographed and staged for the camera;but, the actual work is done, not in a week but 4 1/2 days, we're told. Of course, all the Sponsors are given plugs for their various goods and services and this is only fair.

So, some of this staged and taped strictly for the camera. So what, there is real good done. In the end,we have observed a collective act of kindness on a grand scale.

And all commercial plugs and such being put aside, we are all made aware of a great lesson. There is always a family or individual nearby who is in need. And we must remember that it is up to us, be it alone or in concert with others, to extend a helping hand.

And incidentally, the actions portrayed are done by private groups, not the great and benevolent government. Government, be it Local, State or Federal, is the last that should be involved, only when it is the last resort. These acts of Charity and Mercy are due to Private Enterprise,also known by the name of Capitalism!! Of course, that seems to be a dirty word in the politically correct view point.

NOTE: * These would be:The Chicago White Sox, Notre Dame and the Chicago Bears.

NOTE ** The most extreme example of this type would be QUEEN FOR A DAY, in which 3 lady contestants would see whose story was the saddest, and after the audience applause meter picked the winner, who was chosen to be Queen for a Day. Mucho tears, prolific sobbing and multiple Handkerchieves were the order of the day.
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