Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Showtime (2003)
Season 7, Episode 11
Spike FINALLY gets rescued
7 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe how long it takes to get Spike out of that stupid cave. He's stuck down there for two full episode! The Scoobies have saved the whole world in less time than that. And as for Spike... It's like he's not even trying to escape. A part of me thinks that he WANTS to be down there. Not only can't hurt anyone if he's all tied up, but he can also test and see if Buffy really will come for him. If Spike could escape the Initative in season four's "The Initative" and Glory in season five's "Intervention," he could've at least TRIED to escape from that dumb UberVamp. But no he just waits, and waits, and waits... Honestly, it gets old. All in all, "Showtime," is a pretty pointless episode. Not much happens that will play into the larger story arc. If you're in a hurry to get through season seven, you could just watch Spike's rescue in the last three minutes of the episode and safely skip the rest.

"Showtime" revolves around Buffy trying to save Spike from the First. He's still being held in under ground caves, guarded by the UberVamp. In order to reach him, she has to fight it and, unfortunately, the UberVamp is stronger than Buffy. Meanwhile, more Potentials are arriving in town. Including Rona, a particularly whiny one. All the Potentials are complaining about their lives and their destinies and their rooms, etc... When, Eve, a Potential with a really bad Southern accent, starts telling them that they are sure to die, the girls are frightened. Then, it turns out that Eve is really the First and they're even more frightened. They don't believe that Buffy can take the First or the UberVamp.

Meanwhile, Giles and Anya go to meet a demon oracle named Baljox's Eye, who tells them that the First is attacking because there are two Slayers. It upset the balance of something. (Honestly, I'm still not clear on why the First is rising now. Or why it brought Angel back in season three's "Amends," for that matter.) Back at the Summers' house, Buffy, Xander and Willow come up with a plan to kill two birds with one stone. Buffy will kill the UberVamp and the Potentials will watch. That way she can rescue Spike and prove herself to the girls. She wins the fight and the Potentials are suitably impressed. Down in the caves, Spike is tied to a wall. The First has been torturing him, trying to get Spike to join it's side. When Spike sees Buffy, he thinks that she's another trick. But, when Buffy cuts him down he realizes that he can actually touch her. Spike and Buffy smile at each other and --finally-- leave the cave.

There are some good parts to this episode. I like Andrew muttering, "I'm bored. 'Episode One' bored." Having seen "Episode One," I just have to chuckle. His breathless, "Two men enter. One man leaves," "Thunderdome" quote is also a riot. And, I think it's nice that Anya went to meet with Baljox's Eye after Andrew said that it might be their best chance at fighting UberVamp and getting Spike back. Anya really does care about Spike and I think she mainly went to see if she could help rescue him. Also, I like the scene with the Scoobies in the kitchen. The first time it's shown, they're just standing there. Later, you realize that they were speaking telepathically. It's just cool. Finally, I enjoy the scenes with Spike in the cave. Not only does he look super good shirtless, but his repeated insistence that Buffy will come for him is kind of sweet. I don't think he really believes it himself, until she actually shows up. He just stares at her, and Buffy sort of smiles, and helps him walk out of there. It's just a quiet little scene that speaks volumes.

On the down side, what the h*ll is that Baljox's Eye thing about? There have been two Slayers since season one's "Prophesy Girl." Now, suddenly, the balance of the world has been upset or whatever? Why? How do we fix it? And how does that big rubbery eye know all this? It's just a dumb plot device and doesn't go anywhere. Plus, if they needed a demon to open the portal, why not ask Clem?

My favorite part of the episode: Buffy using the phrase, "Here endeth the lesson." Which is just what Spike said when he was lecturing her on what it meant to be a Slayer back in season five's, "Fool for Love."
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