The story is a heart grabbing prize winner ten times over
29 August 2006
Evelyn Ryan (Julianne Moore) is an Ohio mother with a large family and an alcoholic husband named Kelly (Woody Harrelson). Set in the fifties, Evelyn watches helplessly as her husband drinks away the family's funds. No one offers any help, including the church, as Evelyn's despair remains constant. A talented writer, Evelyn turns to the only recourse she has. She enters contest after contest in hopes of winning cash and prizes for her family. She wins a good deal of them, despite the staggering odds. At one point, she is allowed to fill a shopping cart with food to feed her needy family. But, most importantly, she raises her children with zest and care and turns them into truly fine human beings. Near the end of the story, a crisis involving Kelly nearly does them in. What will be the outcome? This wonderful story is a winner in any media. The book was outstanding and the movie follows closely behind. Julianne Moore is wonderful as the saintly woman, seething inside, who saves her family time and again. Harrelson is absolutely outstanding as Kelly, a complex man who seems both to love and loathe his wife and family. The fifties setting and costumes are nicely realized. Do you want to watch an inspirational movie about a lady who never gives up? This is a perfect choice for every occasion.
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