Review of Moral Orel

Moral Orel (2005–2009)
Pales in comparison to other Adult Swim shows
6 August 2006
I bought into the hype and watched Moral Orel when it first premiered. I was hoping for a good laugh--like with Family Guy, Aqua-Teen and countless other A.S. shows. Or I was hoping for some smart-writing, like the brilliant Boondocks. Instead, it's a 15 minute anti-Christian diatribe that gives new meaning to the word boring. South Park parodies right-wing Christians (and every other religion/group/demographic) in an intelligent way and South Park is something this show forgot to be: FUNNY. This is nothing but mean-sprited, axe-to-grind garbage. I am not a Christian, yet I don't understand why it's considered offensive to make fun of other religions (and rightly so), yet acceptable to make fun of Christianity just for the sake of doing so. There is a big difference between parody/satire and mean-spited bigotry. I'm sorry the writers hated their religious upbringing so much. But making claymation cartoons 20 years later is not going to help. Go seek therapy and get on with your life. Where's the 15-minute weekly show that depicts militant Islam and shows images of Mohammed? Oh that's right, that's offensive to Muslims. So nobody goes near it. Where is the weekly show that makes fun of a Jewish boy? Oh, that would be offensive to the Jews. So nobody goes near it. But it's open season on the always safe topic of Christians--again--and that's OK? Double-standard b.s. over and over again. .And once more, it's not even funny It's predictable, boring and you can see every attempt at humor coming a mile away. Yes, it's on late and no, nobody has to watch it. And based on how awful it is, eventually nobody will.
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