Brooklyn - a real look
2 August 2006
A Danny Aiello fan, I read the viewer's comments and purchased the VHS.

Apparently shot on location in Brooklyn, the characters portray the residents well. In an old Italian neighborhood, they try hold onto their traditions. Sunday dinner in a paneled basement, Aunt Rose (Morgana King) PERFECT as the matriarch of the film with her Olive Oil fixer to all cooking issues working her garden in the backyard, deadpan Abe Vigoda as Uncle Guy, and Danny Aiello as the blood-sucking local in charge of the neighborhood.

His hands in everything, he appears to be the mayor of the area (with ever faithful bodyguard Vincent Pastore at his side), trying to keep the neighborhood as it was until an interloper (Gabriella) rents Aunt Rose's upstairs to make a film about Brooklyn. As the plot goes on, we learn that her movie is not about Brooklyn and family, but that her coming to this particular house was for a reason.

I agree with the previous poster, Rick Aiello was way over the top. (Maybe that's why Spike Lee gave him small roles in his films). You can figure out towards the middle what the real deal is, but it is still an interesting low budget film.

Danny Aiello's real estate solution to evicting tenants is really how they did it in Bushwick back in the 80's and his solution to getting the necessary construction permits are accurate too.
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