U-571 (2000)
Involving WWII Story
16 April 2006
Somebody looking for an intense World War II film that has a few shocking twists, can't go too wrong with this movie. My only faults with it are that sometimes it goes a bit long on the depth-charge action scenes and that the language is too rough for a PG-13. Otherwise, this is good entertainment and certainly a different kind of World War II story. Does it stretch credibility? Yes, but most action movies do, so you ride with it.

For a submarine movie, it has far more action than most, with half of it outside the sub instead of inside as so often the case. It also looks great on DVD and offers some outstanding 5.1 surround sound. There is a huge difference in viewing this on VHS and on DVD.

This is definitely a man's movie with an all-male cast of tough seamen fighting tough Nazi seamen in the middle of WWII. Matthew McConaughey and Harvey Keitel are the two main stars and it's a bit odd to see the veteran Keitel taking orders from the "kid."
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