Poison Ivy II (1996 Video)
It's NO Embrace of the Vampire, that's for sure
13 April 2006
Having very little to do with the original Drew Barrymore starring vehicle, this sequel that ups the titillation and seaminess factor, has Alyssa Milano as Lily, an art major who recently went off to college in California. Like many 'innocent', 'wholesome' girls that go off to college in that state, it isn't long before she becomes a man hungry raving slut. Her transformation starts when she finds the diary of the deceased man hungry slut who lived in her dorm room before her. She lusts for this one guy in particular while her elderly art instructor lusts after her. The first film in the series was mediocre at best, so to say that this one gave me some trepidation over whether I should even watch it is a pretty accurate statement. But when I saw that it reunited Milano with Director Anne Goursaud, whom she last teamed up with for a little B-movie soft-core gem "Embrace of the Vampire', I decided to give the film a try. Well sadly lightning rarely ever strikes twice and the poor acting, lack of involving story, and most importantly not as much nude Alyssa as compared to the earlier Embrace, all turned me off and I found myself bored to tears long before the movies predictable final reel.

Eye Candy: Tara Ellison, Victoria Hass & Kate Rodger get topless; Alyssa Milano shows off T&A

My Grade: D-

Where I saw it: @ Max
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