One of the Most Lackluster Power Rangers Installments Ever!
18 March 2006
Power Rangers SPD, whose initials stand for "Space Patrol Delta" actually stand for "Shabby, Poor and Doltish" or however negatively they stand for. It may not be the worst Power Rangers installment, but it is one of the most lackluster ever, just like most of its various predecessors, especially when Disney took over its franchise from Saban in 2002 (actually Saban was no better, either). The setup of the cast of characters and the plots or story lines are so screwed up for most of the Power Rangers sequels that just make no sense at all. In otherwords, they poured way too many unintelligent ideas into virtually each episode of so many installments to date due to ill-preparedness of the crew members (i.e., writers, actors, producers, directors, etc.). At least the Japanese version of the TV series, otherwise known as "Super Sentai," which is the original source that has been partially used to produce the Power Rangers TV series, is far better in terms of story lines/plots and cast of characters setup as well as other aspects than the TV series produced by Saban and Disney. I acknowledge that the Power Rangers TV series would go on and on, but I feel Disney production people are simply wasting their time, money and energy in making such show that even some people call it a "rip-off" since they "cut and pasted" borrowed ideas from the original source to the product of its adaptation, which eventually would make the show less interesting to watch. Instead of hiring actors, many of whom are virtual unknowns and don't know how to act well, they should start doing complete voice-overs of the aforementioned original Japanese TV series with certain edits each and every year, or cancel the show altogether. Even most Power Rangers fans (including many kids) would prefer to watch the Japanese-made Super Sentai TV series over the Power Rangers TV series adapted by Saban and Disney, especially if they find out the truths as to how the Power Rangers TV series is produced. Because the original TV series is more well-elaborated in so many ways than we could ever imagine. And it does not take a genius to figure it out!
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