Good movie, creepy, violent, but alright I guess
3 March 2006
From experience, let me say, for any parent with young (<10yo) kids, don't get this one out as a "lets stay up late and watch a movie" movie. Even with the aid of copious amounts of bourbon its emotionally gutwrenching and hard to sit through.

This isn't a spoiler but essentially the movie revolves around a WW2 era setting with 60+ machine-gun toting German infantry with tanks versus a handful of mentally retarded/physically disabled (and sometimes both) children and their teachers along with a few deserters from the US army.

Its graphic/highly suggestive scenes of kids killing soldiers and being killed themselves is hard to take, even with the best attempts of the director to make it less of an impact. It contains strong violence and children, what more can I say? Even closing your eyes won't help as the sound effects (kids screaming/machine gun fire/bullets hitting flesh noises/kids groaning/cut to close up shot of a dead 5 year old child filled full of bullet wounds) are equally as descriptive.

Once again, for any person with ties to kids under 10 or so, don't go with this one, its not a "nice" film. If you do watch it, be prepared for realistic and detailed violence on a large scale directed at disabled kids as well as adult actors.
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