The Uncle Floyd Show (1974–1995)
Uncle Floyd Show
17 October 2005
Uncle Floyd Show had some of the great punk musicians for the late 70's early 80's including The Dead Boys , Blondie, and the Ramones (more than a few times) His pal Uggie would haunt my dreams for years, bring me back to a time I did not want to stay in. I loved Floyd and hid gang and hoped he would find stardom when he appeared in Good Morning Vietnam. But alas, so did he. I wonder what Floyd is doing today. I occasional see reruns in my twisted mind. but wish it would come out on DVD...Hear that a DVD. It will make you some cash. So bring Uggie and a few of the gang out of retirement from Bloomfield NJ and do a compilation DVD. Look, if Joe Franklin can do one, so can you.
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