Review of GamerZ

GamerZ (2005)
Erotic candles? Belch-speak? Oh my...
20 September 2005
GamerZ is the sort of movie that could only come from a country like Scotland, and only from a city like Glasgow. The movie is, simply put, one of the freshest comedies to emerge from this isle for as long as I can remember. From the innovative 'shadowplay' to bizarre, wonderful characterisation, the movie manages to carry off a wonderful sense of involvement on what must be a meagre budget.

On first glance, the movie may seem to be pushing at the 'weirdness' card a bit too much. A cynic may look to point at the possibility of caricature in some of the characters, or even the plot itself, which almost seems orchestrated to produce as much overly bizarre humour as possible. But that's kind of missing the point. GamerZ is not some Loachian social melodrama, nor is it a Coen Brothers-style exercise in complex, surreal comedy. GamerZ carves its own niche, thanks to an involving script and the deftly-handled direction. Whilst it's not complex in the sense of deep philosophical themes, or complex social issues, it finds its own distinctive, immersing style- and gleefully runs with it until you can't help but fall in love.

Maybe i'm biased. I live in Glasgow and attend the University where GamerZ is set- heck, i'm even a member of a similar society. Even so, I would urge everyone to see GamerZ- despite the setting being very specific, the inventiveness and hilariousness of the film ensures that even those who've never seen six-sided dice (or couldn't pick out Scotland on a world map) are nigh-on guaranteed to be choking on their popcorn and quoting chunks of dialogue for days afterwards.

'Pure Magic' has never been such an appropriate tag-line.
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