Bloodlust! (1961)
Even a mediocre potboiler remake of "The Most Dangerous Game" can be OK
16 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I've seen many worse movies than "Bloodlust", and many of those worse movies were big-budget Hollywood blockbusters. So I don't want to heap too much scorn on this low-budget remake of a far better film - it's a piece of film factory hackwork that was churned out to meet the demand for drive-in movie and 2nd feature 'product'. Within the confines of its ambitions, budget, and cast, it is an acceptable piece of product. And the central plot idea is strong enough that even a watered down version like this has a bit of dramatic tension and interest.

Nevertheless, some issues need to be addressed.

Number one, if Robert Reed wanted to be cast as the action hero lead, he needed to either lose 15 pounds, do some sit-ups,or wear a looser fitting shirt. He was sucking in his gut so hard every instant he was on camera that I was afraid he was going to keel over from 'corset girdle' syndrome.

Number two, Reed's character makes so many bad decisions in the course of this movie that it's really kind of funny. Seriously, EVERY SINGLE judgment call he makes - to land on the island, that the boat they land with will be safe, that their best bet is to return to the mansion, etc., is wrong. How did his character get to be Alpha Male of the group in the first place??

Number three, the hunter with the so-called 'Bloodlust' comes across as kind of a low-energy version of Victor Buono. When you think of deadly sociopath snipers-turned-man-hunters, you don't automatically come up with the image of Victor Buono, now, do you? I'll grant you that the actor does the mannerisms of a jaded epicurean quite well, but he (and the stage direction he is given) hardly has the presence or gravitas to dominate and intimidate four healthy young teenagers and two adults, etc. Which leads to:

Number four: At several points, our 'deadly hunter' (who is old, small, pale, flabby, and obviously sedentary) is all alone with four healthy, physically fit young adults (one of them a judo expert) and is armed with nothing but a crossbow or a revolver. And at least once, they have the drop on him. Seriously, why don't they jump him? Someone might get wounded, but this is far better than his stated alternative (ie, he'll kill them and mount them in his museum). I guess that his deadly 'sniper's eye' must have them intimidated or something.

Anyway, MST picked on the this movie, and had a lot of fun with it, but that's what they do. They could have a field day with a big loud dumb movie like "Armegeddeon", and a slight trifle like "Bloodlust" has no chance against their wonderful malice. "Bloodlust" isn't nearly as bad as most MST3K fare. On the other hand, you wouldn't waste your time with it if MST3K didn't cover it.

Go watch "Surviving the Game" with Rutger Hauer and Ice-T if you want to see a GOOD 'Most Dangerous Game' rip-off. Watch this one for the cheese value, or for the MST savaging.
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