Prozac Nation (2001)
Amazing book, not so amazing movie
7 July 2005
Almost three years ago when I picked up this book for the first time I had know idea what it would come to mean to me. Though the statistics are clear for depression even in the United States alone, I felt isolated and alone. This was my story, my inspiration, my clarity, and my reference then on. It was written in a way that I would not dream to change a thing. This was her story brutally honest, yet so sincere and clear, and painful. Since then I have wanted to tell her what her writing her story has done for my life, and as I have read many other young and old readers who related the way I did. Now to the movie...I found out there would be a movie soon after I got the book. I looked for it and planned for it, then I found it was being postponed. Today I walked in the video store and there it was. Now I expected to be disappointed because this was a movie based on a great book. I was disappointed. I didn't have to shut it off in the middle or anything, I did make it to the end. The movie could not tell this story point blank. All it was was a summary, the icing of the story inside the book. I recommend the book, but not the movie.
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