My Big Fat Greek Experience With This Film!
10 June 2005
Ahhhh! The Greek life! They were the 1st peoples to do ANYthing & EVERYthing, as 'Toula's father would have you believe. Her big fat Greek family is a hoot! (And her gorgeous brother, Nick is a true Greek treat for the eyes!!!) This is the story of 2 very different cultures trying to accept & make their way together in life. It works for 'Toula & her non-Greek man. He's been looking for someone different to settle down with because all the other women he's dated seem like clones of themselves. They're just blonde & pretty. But 'Toula is NOT blonde & NOT pretty when we 1st see her. She has mousy brown hair, hides her voluptuous (read: NOT skinny) shape under mousy clothes, wears glasses too big for her face & has no motivation in life UNTIL she spies her future sitting in her family's restaurant where she works her life away and she pours him some coffee. Once she gets her parents to let her go to night school & run her aunt's travel agency, she becomes a swan seemingly overnight & Ian doesn't know what hit him when he meets up with her again at the agency! This film is funny! Even if you're Italian, you will see the similarities in the families! Big, loud, dark & ethnic! Lanie Kazan is a wonderful ethnic mother of WHATEVER kind! She's so believable! Michael Constantine (from Room 222 fame) is the old world dad who's stressing his daughters' life & wedding. See this with the family, WHATEVER kind of family you have! It's a good clean laugh!

"Put some windex on it!"
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