Review of Brink!

Brink! (1998 TV Movie)
Read in the commentary, it is there, since it didn't fit in this space. Thanx!
30 January 2005
I loved this movie. I thought it was fascinating and very entertaining. This is, for I do love skating and this movie is all about skating competitions, besides cheesy friendship problems and stories. It is worth watching if you give it a try. OK, so I have to write a shorter summary and a longer Comment, you know what I am going to do? I am going to post my summary in here, so here it goes: This movie is about a story of a conflict between two groups of skaters and all the problems between them. The main characters are: Brink, Jordi, Val, Gabriella and Ben. The first and last two are part of the group who call themselves the "soul skaters" and Val, and 3 other guys skate because they are paid for it. Both groups hate each other, but about halfway through the movie Brink finds out his family has economical problems and decides to join Val's group (upon request, for one of the members was hurt and couldn't skate for a competition), which is called the X Bladz. Then he fights with his friends and the resolution begins (yey!) Now, to know the ending, you can watch the movie in Disney Channel, I promise you, it is worth watching. Thanx for reading!
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