"The Crazy Jumping Monks" or How I ran out of ideas.
8 January 2005
Les Riviéres Pourpres 2. Directed by Olivier Dahan. **

Luc Besson will be remembered among French filmmakers as the one who brought Hollywood to the French mainstream... in a ridicule and absurd way. Fortunately,he has given himself a break from directing, but he still threatens us with turkeys produced by him.

"Les Riviéres..." is just a stupid, mediocre, incoherent film, with characters that I don't give a damn, a mystery too dull to care about solving it, and an awful script. French superstar Jean Reno lacks so much strength in his performance, and hunk Benoit Magimel acts like his hormones are out of control and wants to jump under the pants of every other female police/nurse in the movie.

My girlfriend has this crush on Benoit Magimel. If you feel like her, go and watch it. Otherwise, avoid this boring turkey.

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