Review of G.O.R.A.

G.O.R.A. (2004)
3 December 2004
What are your expectations when you go to see a film? The most noticeable characteristic of Turkish people is that they are able to subtly critise their own culture through comedy and this is what the film has done superbly. When I read general reviews of this film, including the ones on this site, I can't help but see how Cem Yilmaz has quite cleverly and creatively worked a variety of cultural characteristics into a fictional theme. I believe that viewers who have reviewed the film in a light of this have done it justice... and come on, if there are so many 'Arif's out there, how can we still question whether or not there are extra- terrestrial life forms out there too! :-)

This is a highly successful and thoroughly hilarious film. When I walked out of the cinema, it didn't even cross my mind to analyze the film in the way I usually would.. I mean why should I? I really don't believe the writer or director even thought of doing this themselves. it's not 'persona' or anything. I experienced two hours of solid laughter. I mean what else would I have wished for? (When I think back though, the only down side was I didn't buy enough pop corn...:-))

Personally, I didn't feel the need to overstress the superb quality of the visual effects either. Yes they were surprisingly fantastic, very 'Hollywood', but this didn't add or take away from the film in any way. Put it this way, if a song is beautifully written then it will sound great even if you were to just serenade it. But if the song is crap/ badly written, then even the London Philharmonic Orchestra can't do much with it believe me!

In short, this film must not be missed! Leave all your expectations at home and don't watch it with any intention of reviewing it... just sit back & enjoy.
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