A Nero Wolfe Mystery (2001–2002)
Stylish, Incomprehensible
21 April 2002
I always watch these. They're fun. I have no idea what's going on. Perhaps reading the book, one could take notes and make sense of the plot, but on television, even with the miracle of the rewind button, the intricacies are buried under a thick layer of eccentric personality. In the episode I'm watching now, why is Nero Wolfe dressed like a Pilgrim? They never say. Naturally, it is expected that the genius detective be an oddball, but absolutely everyone else speaks in riddles, too. Is the writing bad? Or is it exceptionally clever? No one talks like any human being I've ever heard, but it's a pleasant diversion (albeit a vain one) to decipher the meaning behind the patter. At the end of each episode, the mystery is solved, and I have no idea how, or even sometimes what the mystery really was.

This series is also interesting in that many of the same actors appear in different roles from one episode to the next. They really ought to be credited in the IMDb listings.
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