Simply stunning!
29 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, after long last, I have managed to watch the End of Evangelion. It was worth any wait.

Those not familiar with the series will have no clue what's happening, so you should at least watch the first 24 episodes. End of Eva takes place as an alternative to the last 25 and 26th episodes. It may sound confusing, but trust me, if you just sit back and enjoy the ride, everything makes sense...even if not right away.

The final Angel has been killed. The 'hero' of the story, Shinji Ikari, now regrets doing it, as he was the only person who seemed to ever like him for who he was. But there is no time to lament on personal demons, as the shadowy puppet masters in SEELE have set the final stage of their plan in motion.

The dreaded Third Impact.

What's even more surprising is that the entire series shows one, giant plan to actually SPEED ALONG the Third Impact, as it could lead Humanity to it's next evolutionary step.

And so, Humanity will now rely on a weak savior who may or may not lead humanity to it's oblivion. A hero who must first fight his own inner dragons, and come to terms with life, and love from himself and from others.

As a response to the public outcry that the last 2 episodes were someone strange and had no "Mecha Combat", the End of Eva has enough of both combat, AND philosophical scenes. A strange, but wonderful mix.

Asuka's fight against 9 Evas is absolutely the most STUNNING visual fight sequence I have ever seen. The energy and awesome scope of the battle is impossible to convey through words alone.

Though Asuka's character is as flawed as Shinji's, she finds redemption in this movie. Again, an amazing testimony of the Human Spirit and our will to live.

The emotional impact of this movie is also quite amazing. It brings reality and the mind to question, and asks us if being individuals is better than being a whole. Is life just a dream, and can we ever be Gods of our own Reality? Those who have watched the last two episodes of the series will see instances where the movie and episodes combine and compliment each other.

Finally, the animation is wonderful. Creepy and breathtaking. Powerfully deep, but also amazing on the physical conflict level as well. This movie is EASILY a match for Akira and is an instant classic.

Watch it with an open mind, and be prepared to be stunned. Be ready to question yourself. Be ready to use your mind in ways you may have not before. This is truly the End, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
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