La Cucaracha (1998)
Smart, funny, some slow spots, and a great Eric Roberts performance
1 July 2000
If you have ever liked an Eric Roberts performance, this film is one you should make time for. It's a very unconventional film, making surprising and funny revelations here, twisting what you are expecting to happen there, and gradually revealing itself to be one of the darkest comedies you are likely to see.

The story is pretty simple, disillusioned loner is mistaken for a criminal, hired to do a hit, and a series of unfortunate events occur which are not what you expect and comprise the film.

This is certainly not for everyone. It's a variation on James M. Cain and if that's got some appeal the film is right up your alley. I suppose I might roll my eyes if read that in a review and think, "oh not that again...". Let me assure you, there's several surprising points of departure this film takes from most which sets it apart and above.

A few scenes are over-written, there are flaws, but there are enough clever moments and Roberts' brilliant performance overcomes all the bumps in the road.

If you don't like Eric Roberts however, you'll not like the film. He's in nearly every shot.

This will quickly and deservedly develop a strong cult following.
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