4 July 2004
I remember when this movie came out, it didn't do very well in the theaters, mostly because it is a comedy that points out peoples stupidity for what it truly is. Krippendorf's Tribe is about an anthropologist who broke down after his wife died. He comes back into the lecture circuit, somewhat forced back because the bills are mounting up and he receives a grant to continue his research on the native tribes of New Guinea. There's only one problem, since his breakdown, he hasn't been to New Guinea to study any tribes. So, in order to stay afloat, what does he do? He invents one.

This, of course, leads to the various ins and outs of how to keep the public, and those who gave him the grant, fooled. Those are the common plot points, used in almost any comedy. You need a given situation, then you need the foils. What makes a good comedy from a bad one is the timing and the delivery.

Richard Dreyfuss is wonderful in his delivery and there are some funny scenes. There is nothing in the movie that really makes you laugh out loud, but there are some wonderful anticipatory parts which make you love when the ax does fall.

The movie is different in terms of its lack of slapstick, but I don't think that's the main point. What it seems to pointing out is not that this one family is kept together by a lie, but that people will believe anything as long as it's presented with the right credentials. That, and those who give you the money are trying to keep their heads as much as the next.

If you have nothing else to do with your time then I suggest you see this movie, otherwise it can wait until a rainy day, or perhaps when you need a good giggle after you've had your wisdom teeth out.

If you're looking for a movie to watch Richard Dreyfuss, try Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, it was better written.
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