Gene Siskel was right in picking it as Movie of the Year
27 February 1999
First off, this movie is not a kids' movie. Many critics have accused Babe: Pig in the City of being too dark and violent for children. Let's remember that George Miller also filmed the three Mad Max films - what did you expect?

This film is a masterpiece - it has a story that may seem simple but is full of symbolism; it is full of amazing special effects and animatronics; and it has incredible compositions and film directing.

The special effects have improved considerably since the first film. In fact, one scene involves over 300 talking animals! The goldfish were very convincing and the cute little cat is adorable.

The filming of this movie was incredible. No one can forget the shot of his silhouette as he looks out the stain-glass window at his owner. Or the shot of Polonious holding the goldfish in the center of the room.

In no way can the first Babe movie and its sequel be compared. The two are entirely different. And though the story may seem childish, the film has so many sub-plots that can teach us a lot. The one that stands out the most to me is Polonious and his "Godfather"-like role. He strives so hard to be human, and when he accepts the fact that he is a monkey he comes the closer to being human then he had ever been. So many people today need to accept who they are in order to become what they want.

Don't quickly dismiss this film as one for children. Give it a chance and you will be rewarded.
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