Review of Orphans

Orphans (1998)
Is All of Northern Europe a Black Comedy?
4 September 2002
Wow, what a night this has been. It started off with Glasgow's very interesting "Orphans", and finished with Berlin's equally interesting "Nighshades"; the first was a black comedy, the second merely black. My advice to the neighbors of these Glaswegians and Berliners would be: keep your doors locked.

Both of these films deal with the eternal verities of life - love, loyalty, friendship, duty, betrayal, etc. - as encountered amid the emotional squalor in two of northern Europe's major cities, but there are enough sociopathic and psychopathic characters in these two films to populate several good sized asylums for the criminally insane. These people need to get more sun.

"Orphans", at least, was a bittersweet black comedy, though more bitter than sweet. Life might be hard in inner-city Glasgow, but some of their vendettas would seem more appropriate to Sicily than to Scotland. There is a harshness to the humor that is at times more than black. Death can often be funny, but can one say the same for rape and murder - even when not fully consumated? Perhaps the English can enjoy this bit of schadenfreude at the Scots' expense.

I have only one real complaint about "Orphans", however, and it's a technical one. The film has the WORST SUBTITLES EVER PUT ON FILM - and they're English-to-English! If the characters are speaking English - heavily accented though it may be - why on earth would the dialog itself be changed in the sub-titles? Do the people responsible really believe that they have to substitute the word "baby" in the sub-titles every time a Glaswegian holding a child makes a reference to the "wee 'un?" And to hear the characters actually say the "F" word dozens of times, yet find the word in the sub-titles not once is very odd. Maybe these sub-titles are a part black-comedy in themselves. Ultimately, though, they are just disappointing and unprofessional. In the event, I would certainly recommend this film for it's superb acting - at least I hope it's acting - black humor, and unique take on Death in Glasgow, but when it comes to your summer holidays I'd recommend giving working-class Glasgow a very wide berth. Ditto for Berlin.
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