A stone cold CLASSIC!
13 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
'The Usual Suspects' has received a lot of comment for its killer twist ending, which while by no means the first in movie history, has proved to be enormously influential (stand up Messrs. Fincher and Shyamalan...). But this movie is so much more than a surprise ending! It is a meticulously scripted, faultlessly acted masterpiece that stands up to repeated viewings. Every single time I watch it I notice some new detail, or get more enjoyment out of a performance or scene.

This movie really put Kevin Spacey on the map, but everyone in the ensemble cast is outstanding, even Stephen Baldwin(!), who has never appeared in a movie this good before, or since. I also got a kick out of the Paul Bartel ( 'Death Race 2000', 'Eating Raoul') cameo, and the ultra-cool Peter Greene's ('Laws Of Gravity', 'Pulp Fiction') all too brief appearance. Bartel is sorely missed, and Greene one day (mark my words!) will become the star he deserves to be.

Director Bryan Singer has yet to live up to the promise shown here with his subsequent movies, the average 'Apt Pupil' and the disappointing 'X-Men'. For all the acclaim he and the (admittedly superb) cast have received, the real star of 'The Usual Suspects' is Christopher McQuarrie's sensational script, one of the finest of the modern era, and one that genuinely deserved it's Oscar.

It really doesn't get any better than this!! One of the greatest movies ever made, any time, any where. A truly unforgettable experience.
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