brilliant satire disguised as made-for-tv fare
12 July 2001
Perhaps you have to be from Texas to really appreciate this movie, but I doubt it. So much Texana is covered: the bouffant, bubble hair styles, the turmoil from the refineries, and of course, the brutal ego slaughter that constitutes cheerleading tryouts in surburban Texas.

Holly Hunter gives an eerie portrayal of Wanda Holloway; my favorite scene occurs early in the film. Hunter (as Holloway) is in bed with her sugar-daddy-cum-husband, C.D., and finds an exotic Texas insect crawling up her lingerie-clad thigh. Without a trace of emotion, she slaps the insect dead with her manicured hand, and wipes away the residue with a pink Kleenex.

Each character in this film (Beau Bridges gives a wonderful turn as Wanda's former brother-in-law Terry Harper, an ex-con, born again Christian; as does Swoozie Kurtz, his fourth(?) wife, who maniacally repeats bible verses under her breath while applying oven cleaner to her calves) has some satiric peccadillo, some underside that only illustrates that Channelview, Texas, can bring out the worst in just about anyone.
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