Use Your Petals! Ooooooh, I loved this Series!
24 December 2002
Garrett Booth(Shane McDermott), the conceited, self-absorbed mirror kisser in the dirty dozen of rich Long Island children said it best;

"OOOOH, I love myself!"

Ooooh, I loved this series. Why did it have to disappear? It was so long ago, about ten years ago, and I still remember the characters like it was Yesterday. Sarah Michelle Gellar was the snooty anti-heroine torn between her love for Garrett and her Mayor Mother's hatred for all Booth males. She told Ralph, her valet, to 'Use your Petals' when he was driving her. Brittany Daniel, the witchy snoot Jessie Wakefield in "Sweet Valley High", was the beautiful angel Mila Rosnowsky. She wanted to fit in, but she had to escape the shadow of her Countess mother and the annoying yet cute cockatoo Tutu. Stacey Moseley was the hard-as-nails heck-cat Callie Walker who didn't take no poopy from nobody. Carise Dahlbo was the sweet Gloria "Glory" Booth, who was spunky and adorable, but always in the wrong place in the wrong time; one instance really got her in a world of trouble. Devin Doherty was Jimmy Clayton, the melancholy love interest of Callie who kept to himself when he wasn't trying to keep Cassie from going too hardcore. Eddie Robinson was genius Neil Atwater, co-creator of the high explosive UB2B. He was a girl-hater and a science lover; both occupations nearly cost him his best bud and his LIFE. Tom Carroll was J.T. Adams, Neil's computer-cranking partner, Glory's love interest and Garrett's "tech-weenie" bully victim. J.T.'s hate for Garrett dominoed into danger for both Neil and Glory. Kristen Mahon played Sandra Swan, the not-as-rich-as-Sidney plain girl used by Garrett to get even with Sidney for an incident that got him in a peck of trouble with all of Swan's Crossing. Alex Tanaka was Bobby Decastro, whose "Saja" personna protected Jimmy and Callie from the great Mumba-Jumba, an evil entity of bad luck. Evan Ferrante was Owen Fowler, a musician and a geek with the hots for Sandy. Last, but never least, was Kristy Barbera, aka the conniving, scandalous Nancy Robbins. She was Sidney's partner in the crime of being snooty and prissy.

Swan's Crossing was blessed with crazy characters out the wazoo. From the foreign spies known as the Baldies to the mysterious Berek, who always caught Callie's suspicious eye. From J.T.'s sassy sister to Saja's sophisticated sibling who always wanted to be older than she was. And lets not forget the bird. With wacky plot twists, mature storylines and that awesome dozen that starred in the show, Swan's Crossing would have been on today if not for ninnies who didn't know a good thing when they saw it. I was so honored to have met Sarah and her friends Carise, Eddie, Devin, Stacy, and Brittany while they were at Toys-R-Us that 1992 day. Carise's mom was nice, too. Great show. Great cast. I'll never forget the zaniness of that show. Especially not Sidney Rutledge and Garrett Booth. OOOOH, I loved that show!
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