Vision Quest (1985)
Another one of those "growing up" movies...
5 January 2004
Modine is a high school wrestler who's just turned 18 and is in so much of a hurry to grow up. In the first 45 minutes of the movie, he's chosen 3 or 4 different careers. (Ah! To be young, again!) The movie follows all the basic plot lines concerning coming of age that does stand the test of time, because, even though this movie is almost 20 years old, a lot of the kids today can relate to it.

Along the way, Modine's father (Cox) has lost his job, Modine decides to move down, not just one, but two, weight classes to take on the best wrestler in the state, and a very pretty Jersey girl (Fiorentino) shows up on his doorstep to take up all his spare "thinking" time.

This is really not a bad movie. It examines some of what goes on in someone's head when they get in the frame of mind that they want something that just about everyone else feels is unattainable for them. Modine does a very good job in bringing the character of Louden to believability, and the surrounding cast puts in a good effort as well. It is a better-than-average teen flick movie, but not much (but I think it's only because I haven't been a teen ager in so long, myself).

6 out of 10...
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