23 December 2001
Another reviewer nailed it - by the time this film came out, the Monty Python style of humor was already becoming a bit, well, dated. It'd lost the freshness which made the original TV show and their earlier films such classics. In short, the lads were trying TOO hard to be funny, and it shows. Not that's it's a bad movie, there's enough funny stuff to give nearly every viewer a good laugh at some point or another, but it's just not consistently funny, which is the mark of any great comedy. My favorite was probably the bit about the English Army officers fighting in Africa in the 1870's, when one of them wakes up to find his leg missing.

The doctor says "Must have been bit off by a tiger".

"A tiger, here in Africa?"

"Well, maybe it escaped from a zoo".

This was the sort of lunatic dialogue which made their earlier work great. But too much of it is just gross out humor. The fat guy was pretty funny, but the liver sketch was just disgusting. And Cleese doing live "sex-ed" in front of a bunch of bored schoolboys just made me want to cringe. Like I said, it seemed to me the guys knew they were past their prime, and instead of just letting the humor flow naturally, they tried too often to force it out. With decidedly mixed results.

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