29 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was okay but severely marred by unbelievable human behavior and concepts. Rating 4/10

As a science fiction fan, I can easily suspend disbelief about various scientific concepts (ie: intelligently evolved apes travel back in time and conceive a child(chimp), force-field doors, etc...) However, when various common sense concepts and human behavior are flawed it usually ruins the movie for me. Just a 'few' examples from this film:


* Concept: How did apes change so drastically in such a short period of time, to become bigger and more intelligent in a mere 20 years? This is not even alluded to in any way. Had they made reference to or alluded to Bio-engineering, or the virus having killed all cats and dogs causing this, perhaps I would have found it acceptable, however they did not explain this even in the slightest. Mere selective breeding would not permit such rapid change in 20 years. Since we already have some understanding of evolution, such rapid development should have been explained (if only in a single sentence). Note: since we have no understanding of backward time-travel, it does not need to be explained.

* Human Behavior: Why, knowing what Corneilus and Zira told them about the future, would mankind and human government permit the keeping of apes as pets and eventual slaves, while increasing their intelligence and capabilities? I could see if this happened a hundred or more years down the road, but 20 years after the intelligent apes arrive from the future and tell how apes rule the planet and subjagate humans, mankind is purposely making apes more intelligent and capable. It's absurd.

* Concept/Behavior: With such an oppressive and militaristic 1984'esque government, how are they so easily overrun by apes, which seem to have their every move watched except for their collection of an arsenal of weapons. In a similar vein, how is it that such a society has a system in which apes take simple notes of paper to businesses to retrieve things for their owners (including a firearm and amunition?)

A science fiction film does not need to explain every single concept, but for those things which are not explained they need to make some degree of sense to our understanding of the way things work and human beings behave.
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