Probably one of Franco's best.
5 July 2003
"She Killed In Ecstasy" must be one of Jess Franco's most artistically well-made films (I say "must be", because the man has made almost 200 movies, so it's hard to be sure!). Of course, there are scenes that make him come off as a hack (especially those involving physical violence), but at least the film is not boring, and it is helped immeasurably by the mesmerizing presence of Soledad Miranda. She is almost able to convince us that a woman would go to bed with her ten minutes after she had first met her (!), or that a man would go to bed with her even though he knows she is a killer out to get him (!); the story is still implausible, yes, but without her it would've been laughable. She is also able to suggest the rage and sorrow of her character, and indeed one thing that sets this movie apart from other revenge thrillers, such as "I Spit On Your Grave", is that it doesn't try to justify or celebrate the heroine's vengeance; instead, it presents an initially normal woman who seems to be getting more deranged by the minute because of her own actions. (**1/2)
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