Inventive series that was prematurely canceled
10 December 2000
I absolutely loved this series when I was 11; it aired Sunday evenings, and I never missed watching it. I don't think they made more than a dozen or so episodes of it, and I was devastated when it was canceled. It was never given the chance it should have had. Ted Cassidy played Injun Joe, and a more menacing villain it would have been hard to find; he was great in the role. As he chased Tom, Huck and Becky from one animated world to the next, it pulled me farther into their predicament and I couldn't wait for the next episode. They always ended in a cliffhanger.

This is a series that will probably never be shown again, and I wonder if any episodes are even still in existence. It would be nice if TVLand would air them, even just in odd places, so we could at least see them again. It was a novel concept ahead of it's time.
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