Docket is an experimental documentary video that explores the discrepancies in a system created for provision and protection, but incongruously victimizes and renders children voiceless. The video was designed to heighten awareness about abuses that unwittingly occur in the child welfare system by implicating its construction, methods of translation and redacted histories. The monologues of former foster children and service providers that worked with them are placed up against text containing the formal language of the system. The content of the text stands in opposition to the candid stories and insights that people share as they engage directly with the audience by way of the camera.
In creating a formally rigorous visual presentation that isolates the subjects against a red background and removing the process of intervention by allowing people to speak alone with the camera, emphasis is placed on the voice of the individual that is also part of a larger systematic structure. In this way, the piece addresses problematic forms of representation used in social documentary practices by implementing strategies that dilute the authority of the medium of video and photography. It is my hope that this piece will not only empower the participants, but also help drive the incentive for change in the child welfare system.