The Decline And Fall Of America - The Movie
This shockÂing full length movie will change the way you look at our leadÂerÂship withÂin AmerÂiÂca's govÂernÂment and milÂiÂtary toÂday. UsÂing priÂmarÂiÂly news casts and hisÂtorÂiÂcal footage, B.A. Brooks enÂgages the auÂdiÂence with a someÂtimes harsh reÂalÂiÂty that most peoÂple are not usuÂalÂly subÂjectÂed to. This film covÂers many topÂics of inÂterÂest durÂing it's 2- hour time span, which shows a bleak picÂture of what has been reÂalÂly goÂing on withÂin AmerÂiÂca and the world toÂday. Even though the film conÂstantÂly jumps topÂics throughÂout it's run, the editÂing has been done in a way that keeps the viewÂers atÂtenÂtion at a heightÂened levÂel. In the realm of paÂtriÂot or truth films, 'The DeÂcline And Fall Of AmerÂiÂca' ranks high on the list mostÂly beÂcause of it's reÂalÂiÂty levÂel beÂcause it is hard to arÂgue with the facts preÂsentÂed by toÂday's top news afÂfilÂiÂates like CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX NEWS and othÂers. Even if you are someÂone who conÂsidÂers themÂselves up on toÂday's curÂrent events, this is a great movie to re- edÂuÂcate yourÂself, and if you are someÂone who is out of touch with the news of the day then you should defÂiÂniteÂly watch this film and then share it with othÂers. AnÂothÂer maÂjor bonus is that B.A. Brooks makes all of his movies for free downÂload all over the InÂterÂnet. Save it, Share it, Burn it, Watch it, UpÂload it........ "I would like to thank Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films for alÂlowÂing me to use clips from their movie "Iraq for Sale: The War ProfÂiÂteers"". - B.A Brooks