
26 Reviews
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The Boys (2019– )
14 July 2022
Season 1 was Good, Season 2 was just OK, and Season 3 is unnecessarily depraved and disgusting. Too much gratuitous sex and violence and not enough story for me. I'm out.
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Pachinko (2022– )
Apple TV+'s Best so far
5 June 2022
IMO, to date, this is Apple TV+ best drama series and better than any of their movies. I did not read the book so I don't have that bias, but I want to read it now. Beautifully written and well acted. It's heart wrenching, heartwarming, suspenseful and dramatic. Took my emotions all over the place. Truly has it all. Highly recommend. Looking forward to Season 2.
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Good Acting / Boring Story
2 January 2022
Watchable for the great actors and good acting but I felt the characters and storyline were pretty shallow. Maybe that was the point? Regardless, it left me feeling like my own life dramas are more interesting.
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What is with the background musical?
7 December 2021
Made it about 10 minutes until we noticed the 'atmospheric' background music was so loud and distracting you couldn't even hear the actors talking. We fast forwarded to see if maybe it was temporary but it was throughout the whole movie. Annoying, we couldn't watch it. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time we've noticed this issue. If any of you movie makers are reading this, please just stop with the overpowering music and sound effects. Thank you.
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The Trip (2021)
Well, that was fun!
17 November 2021
Had a lot of fun watching this. Gory and violent at times but lots of hilarious laugh out loud moments that balanced it out. Very well done dark comedy. Highly recommend!
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24 October 2021
After about an hour of watching nothing but cool graphics we had to bail. The story line was very boring, found myself nodding off. Plus there was no connection to any of the characters. Maybe it got better during the second hour but it really shouldn't take that long to get us hooked. Disappointing.
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Laugh out loud funny!
23 October 2021
Loved this! So refreshing to finally watch something that made me smile and laugh out loud. Classic Steve Martin and Martin Short witty humor. Plot was also fun and kept me interested. Steve, Martin and Selena had great chemistry. Looking forward to Season 2!
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You (2018–2024)
Season 1 Best, Season 2 Good, Season 3 Boring
19 October 2021
They could have done Season 3 in 3 or 4 episodes. No suspense, too many pointless and boring plot lines, and too many lame sex scenes. Huge disappointment. Acting was good although the male vocal fry narrating was a bit annoying. Not looking forward to Season 4.
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Squid Game (2021–2025)
Wanted to give it a 6...
11 October 2021
...just because the violence, blood and gore were too gratuitous for my taste. But the story was so intriguing yet disturbing we just couldn't stop watching. Looking forward to Season 2 even though I'll hide my eyes for lots of it.
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Harpoon (2019)
Waaaay too gory for me.
25 August 2021
Too much gratuitous gore IMO. Decent story and acting was ok if you don't mind a lot of blood.
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Ghosts (2019–2023)
Lol Silly Fun!
3 August 2021
Absolutely love this show! Hope there's a season 3, please!!
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The Ice Road (2021)
Oh Liam you're better than this
24 July 2021
Can't believe I watched the whole thing. Typically enjoy Liam movies but the script for this one was really bad. I've never seen so many stupid decisions. Lots of action though but only because of those stupid decisions. Painful.
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The Empty Man (2020)
Started out ok
23 July 2021
Beginning was pretty good. Wished they would have kept the story in the Himalayas. Modern day storyline was lame. Couldn't finish it.
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Fun but...
20 July 2021
Fun but the audio is very annoying. Sound effects are ridiculously loud and voices are so muted we needed subtitles. This audio-style seems to be the new trend with acting/horror flicks these days but I hate it.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Season 1 Very Good, Season 2 Just Awful
20 March 2021
Season 1 was really good and we looked forward to Season 2 but what a huge disappointment. We agonized through all 10 episodes hoping it would come together at the end. While the story did have an ending it was not worth watching 5 hours of meandering, pointless, boring scenes. We will not watch a Season 3, sorry.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
Too much narrating not enough acting
13 March 2021
Another annoying narrating movie. Couldn't watch it.
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Get Shorty (2017–2019)
The right mix of everything!
25 December 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed this series. Great storyline with just the right mix of action, suspense, intrigue, violence, romance and comedy. Also some great acting, even Ray Romano was surprisingly good. Highly recommend. Hope there's a season 4!
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
25 December 2020
Was looking forward and had high hopes for this series but couldn't make it past 2 episodes. Although the acting was ok everything else was just annoying. Characters were Twitter-mean, and not in a witty way, just rude and immature. The music and split screens were unbearable and the story line just didn't work. Ughhh so disappointing. Pass.
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Good almost great
13 December 2020
Binged watched this over 3 days which might have been a mistake. Great acting though, when there was some, and a compelling story line, but there were too many long, drawn out and repeated filler scenes of landscapes, walking, driving or brooding faces set to music. It was a very artsy film which I usually enjoy but after the 2nd day I couldn't wait for it to end. Maybe it would have been better as a 90 minute movie. Otherwise, I suggest pacing your viewing of it.
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The Selling (2011)
Corny but Fun!
27 November 2020
When you're in the mood for a corny, campy humorous horror flick this is it! Lots of laughs, really enjoyed it.:)
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Wayne (2019)
Well that was a wild ride!
20 November 2020
Disturbing, quite violent yet funny and why not throw in a sweet love story. Hope there's a Season 2!
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Jexi (2019)
Lol Funny!
15 November 2020
Why the bad reviews? LMAO funny! Much needed humor, give it a try.
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Home Before Dark (2020– )
Better than expected
13 November 2020
Agree with another reviewer that the beginning is a bit pretentious, we almost turned it off as well. But glad we didn't because it was really good and very engaging. Not just great for kids but for adults too. Recommend.
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Wondrously Spectacular
9 November 2020
Truly breathtaking. Highly recommend when you need an escape from stress of life.
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Good acting but boring and tedious storytelling
14 October 2020
Good acting and the story kind of came together at the end but geez it was tedious and boring. Way too many drawn-out, pointless scenes and meandering plot lines. But I suppose beggars can't be choosers during this pandemic. In normal times, this ~9 hour series would have been much better as a 1.5 hour movie.
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