
1 Review
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I'll never get those 2 hours back
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My husband picked this movie, he's notorious for picking bad movies but this was the lowest of the lows.

It's starts off interesting, woman gets kidnapped, woman escapes, woman finds a man in the road and steals his truck and finally gets back home. Her husband takes her away to a family home where his odd cousin shows up. You watch thinking something is about to happen except they play a game, they eat, they may or may not have gone swimming, her husband may have made out with his cousin, there may or may not have been an old woman in the woods, she ends up in a basement then gets out of the basement, then there's more swimming for some unknown reason, then she ends up on a road driving a truck, then stops driving. The end. I wish I could get those 2 hours of my life back it was that bad.
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