
51 Reviews
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Snow Falls (2023)
Didn't hate it, but have seen way better!!
23 January 2023
Nowadays when you roll the dice on one of these indie movies I feel like there is a 90% chance I won't be able to make it to the end.

Well I got through this movie and even though it wasn't great, it wasn't horrible either. The acting was good and the story though not original was okay. There were so many holes in the story that if you didn't look passed them you definitely would have turned it off. Here's just a few observations..

It feels like all these characters were either Millennials or Gen Z as their inability to make decisions was quite comical! First, all the furniture burns!! Your parents would rather have alive than keep that table!

Also, they had days, daylight and a hatchet. Plus all the trees outside and yet that never was an option?

They pretty much made all the male characters beta males who other than driving to the cabin and whining about their situation were entirely useless!!

Still though, I have seen much, much worse! So if you're bored and looking for something you haven't seen before, give this a look. Just temper your expectations.
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Who greenlit this dumpster fire?!?!!??
7 October 2022
There literally are no words bad enough to describe this pathetic attempt at a film!! I can say nothing positive about losing this hour and a half of my life!!

I've seen better fan made movies than this!!

Everything about it is bad, from the attempt at recreating the first scene from the first movie and it never gets better!!!

And having the nerve to leave it open ended?? Well that's extremely wishful thinking from the director!!

The first two are pretty amazing!! Do yourself a favor and steer clear of anything after that!!!

99% of the reviews have been negative and there's a valid reason for that..... This movie is s**t!!!
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Fender Bender (I) (2016)
Absolutely watchable!!
7 August 2022
I was hard pressed to find a slasher movie that I hadn't seen before and didn't suck and this worked out well. Decent story, it was acted well and it didn't try too hard to be something it wasn't (I. E. it didn't take itself too seriously) good gore/good violence/simple plot, what's not to like?!?!??
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Slashers (2001 Video)
Meh! Truly nothing spectacular!
31 July 2022
I watched it and though far from great it didn't exactly suck either. It's a B movie with decent gore it's basically "The Running Man meets Saw" I wouldn't be handing out any awards for this but if you have absolutely nothing to watch there is worse than this out there.
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Neon Lights (I) (2022)
Flat out BAD!!!
24 July 2022
What a boring, go nowhere snooze fest of a movie this is!! The entire cast was terrible! I mean it's blatantly obvious that Kim Coates is taking these roles and producing these movies to try and help his daughter Brenna break into the business, but she didn't do herself any favors here! And the guy who played Clay was terrible!! It might be worth watching just so you can see how bad, BAD is.

I gave it 1 stars just because minus stars isn't an option.
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Wrong Place (2022)
Poor Bruce Willis!
16 July 2022
This guy was on his way to having an awesome legacy but now he'll only be remembered for garbage movies that are truly unwatchable!!

Probably would have been better to leave his filmography as great as it was as opposed to being in such horrible movies as this one.
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Terror Trips (2021)
Like a bad acid trip!!
18 June 2022
This movie starts out bad and just gets worse. The whole thing from the word go is pretty boring! Some of the acting was decent and the people who weren't stick out easily. Make better use of your time than this movie.
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The Rental (2020)
0 Stars!! Ultimate bore fest!!!
1 May 2022
There is nothing good about this movie!! It's one long drag from beginning to end!! Best part of this film is that it's over! Positive reviews are fake!! Your time is more valuable than this movie.
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X (II) (2022)
This movie has two speeds....
15 April 2022
Slow and stop!! I was looking forward to seeing this and the disappointment was unreal!! The only reason I gave three stars was the violence was pretty good. Trust me, your time is more valuable than this movie!!!
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Cry Havoc (2020)
WOW!! Just wow.
12 March 2022
I feel like the dumbest SOB alive for actually having watched this whole movie. Think of the worst movie you've ever seen then multiply it by 10,000 and you still won't have how bad and boring this flick is!
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Strange movie!!
20 February 2022
This movie is kinda like a train wreck, you want to look away but can't. Nothing is particularly special about it but yet it's strange and odd enough to have kept my attention. If you give this a look you should know in the first 20-25mins if you want to go forward with it.
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Hellblazers (2022)
I'll never get that hour an a half back!
12 February 2022
Don't let that happen to you! This is basically The Void meets Feast and it's horrible!!! Long and boring. Short on scares and blood this shouldn't be in the horror genre!! Simply put, this is worse than any SyFy channel garbage I've ever seen!! Your time is more valuable than this movie!
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Rambo Jason???
29 January 2022
Who did the screenwriters know to get this garbage green lit?? This is far and away an insult to the best slasher series ever!! I mean even Jason in space puts this to shame!

This is basically the story of a mongoloid who drowns and comes back as a special forces dynamo.

It's at times like this I honestly wish there was a negative stars option. I should be able to charge all involved for the time I lost watching this s***!!
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There literally aren't enough - * for this movie!!
24 January 2022
First off I'm ashamed to say that I watched this whole flick!! (I can't say I didn't play with my phone for awhile, but anyway) This movie has nothing to say anything good about!! I thought the gore would save it...... I was wrong. Save your time and pass on this quickly!!
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Ditched (2021)
Not bad, not great.
22 January 2022
Interesting but not great. I liked the twist (no spoilers here) I don't feel like seeing this was a waste of my time but I probably wouldn't watch it again.
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The Oak Room (2020)
This just wasn't good!
2 January 2022
I mean don't get me wrong the acting was great and I liked the atmospheric feel but how can you have people watch a movie for over an hour that goes absolutely nowhere?!?!? There is genuinely nothing interesting about long, boring, endless dialogue that falls flat at the end.
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Vicious Fun (2020)
WOW.... I mean just WOW!!!!!!
2 January 2022
This movie was AWESOME!!!!! Nothing political, nothing boring just violence, comedy and BLOOD!!!! A rare moment of just making a movie without preaching to anyone specific. Would love to see a sequel where they dive into the names in the book and maybe bring Sarah along since she can kick ass. Overall no wasted time on this one.
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Scare Us (2021)
Beyond bad!!!!
1 January 2022
I can't get my time back for watching this dumb, boring movie!! But maybe I can save you the 97 mins so you can put them to better use than I did. There should be an option for negative stars!! Because this doesn't even deserve one.
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Red Snow (I) (2021)
I wanted to like this movie!!!
29 December 2021
I really did! The dialogue was good and the acting was okay but how can you have a movie called "Red Snow" with practically no violence!?!?? Forget about the cover art as it's pointless to the movie! This shouldn't be in the horror genre as it's more comedy/love interest than anything else.

I will however say that the ending is cute. (Not spoiling it, just saying.)
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This was decent!
23 December 2021
This is a good slasher movie!! I'm not a big fan of reading movies and the fact that the movie they were watching was in English made it a bit comical but the gore was definitely there and they didn't stray from the usual formula at all. So no, it's not ground breaking by any stretch..... But it does not suck! I just hope they do a dubbed version someday.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
This was phenomenal!!
8 December 2021
Very good story, acting and an ending that was just awesome!!! A little predictable but that's not necessarily a bad thing if the story and acting are solid as is the case here! Definitely worth a watch!
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Unreal boring!!
5 December 2021
To say they had alot of very talented actors/actresses in the film would be an understatement and as such the acting is great. That is all that is good about this ultra lame, super boring tale! I won't be adding any spoilers but if you're considering this look for something else to watch. Your time will be better served elsewhere.
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Hideout (2021)
Solid story, horrible acting!!
2 December 2021
Story was weird enough to keep my interest but the actor who played Kyle was just terrible!!! I mean a little bit of tweaking and this movie is probably a solid 7. Not a total waste of time if there's literally nothing else to watch.
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Killer Movie (2008)
Not bad!
12 November 2021
Make no mistake it's not exactly good but I've seen worse!! I went into this with zero expectations but overall not a waste of time like so many others.
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6 November 2021
Man what a boring movie!! It's a shame too because it was acted pretty well by all involved but you've got to move a horror story along without all the waiting and lack of violence. It's pretty lame.

One final observation, when Jason is taunting the killer it's almost like he's doing a Charlie Day impersonation from Sunny in Philadelphia.
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