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Fear the Walking Dead: Channel 4 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 9
The worst episode ever TERRIBLE
1 October 2019
In short, this is the worst episode of FTWD ever. I'm over this lets go find everyone and help them and film it crap! Sine morgan took lead the show has gone way downhill. The show needs Madison back.
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Another Life: Across the Universe (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Major plot hole issues
6 August 2019
I'm going to be completely fair as this was only episode one. I'm a massive fan of the genre and katee sackhoff brought this to my attention the minute it was announced. The first 10 minutes of the episode felt like a recap of previous episodes where we'd actually seen some story/character development prior to the ship leaving. In reality it was events that basically already happened and we are joining the story a quarter way through. I didn't like that. I'm half way through this series and will say it does get better but I wouldn't hold hopes for season 2. The pilot is pivotal to continued viewership and it seems most people thought the same. It's a shame
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A straight 10 for pure entertainment
3 August 2019
I'll keep it short, this sequel was so much fun I can't even remember the last time I watched a movie that left me so satisfied. The first movie was good, this was brilliant
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Overlord (2018)
Great movie.
22 June 2019
Instead of comparing this movie for historical accuracies (and only ruining the experience for yourself) watch this movie for what it is! A spectacular gore fest painstakingly showing the horrors of war and the fictional exaggerations of German human experiments all mounted together to form a genuinely good horror flick. It was thoroughly entertaining from start to finish.
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Well that was unexpected (to say the least)
2 June 2019
Where to even start without giving anything away! Ok it's not the best thing I've ever seen but for pure shock factor this movie gets a solid 9 from me! It was completely unexpected and will not bore you in the slightest! Both women played their parts flawlessly. The story is about as twisted as you get and will no doubt disgust anyone who watches this. So far it's highly underrated, not seeing much promo but I'm sure this is one of those movies that you find one day out of boredom and then won't be able to get out of your head afterwards. Gloriously sickening.
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Us (II) (2019)
It's good but..
2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Still riding on the hype of 'get out' Jordan peele returned with another solid effort. A movie that's decent but at the same time doesn't amaze. Just like twist at the end of get out, I saw it coming from the beginning if not even more obviously than get out. Regardless of that it's fun, not fully explanatory (referring to why these duplicates were created in the first place) the cast is ok too. Still waiting on a seriously scary horror from peele, he just needs to take it up a notch.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
A solid effort
2 June 2019
Its A movie that is not supposed to be super smart or super original. It's fun, doesn't bore and It has a great cast. There's a pile of these escape room movies now and this is by far the best one I've seen.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
I wasn't floored but at same time I wasn't disappointed
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest here. I have loved this series as a whole especially the incredible episodes 3 & 5. With no base material to work with, the finale had one job - to tie up the series well. Like it or not, that's what it did. Dany was the last objective. We all wanted to see Jon as king but we don't always get what we want! The episode was beautifully done. A more subtle conclusion than expected but none the less it left me with a feeling of completion.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
13 May 2019
To put it simply. It was incredible. DO NOT listen to the bad reviews from terrible fans.
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Glass (2019)
Subtle conclusion to the never intended trilogy
5 February 2019
This movie was fortunate enough to be released whilst still reaping in the hype of its predecessor, however, hype is all this was. In a very beige version of events, glass closes the unintentional unbreakable trilogy in a truly unispired fashion. The intention to shock is there but the results are nothing more than 'oh ok' the final twist falls flat leaving me questioning ''WHAT THE HELL WAS THE POINT IN THAT?!'' In the end this wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but it's flawed beyond belief. An a-class cast highlighted once more by James mcavoy but over shadowing Willis and Jackson. One thing I did love was the use of the same now grown up actor as willis's son. Joy's character wasn't really needed and again feel she was included in the mix to cash in on the actresses rising star value.
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Had so much more potential
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ill repeat what is painstakingly obvious - this isn't Disney! It's Hans Christian. Based on the original fairytale and true to it (but watered down for children)

Whilst I appreciate the roots of this movie, the story wasnit told in the best way it could have been. It's slightly dragged out for such a short movie and when a movie is only 1h 20, that's not good.

The best thing about this is the cast who I feel rather sorry for as they are pretty much perfectly cast. The potential however lost. The two leads are great. The villain let's the side down a little, reminding me of billy zane at his worst.

Last thing to say about this is what was the final scene with mcclane flapping her nightdress on the balcony about? Before cutting to a few mermaid tails in the ocean and then credits.. right up to this part I'd thought the cinematography was actually pretty good but this one segment cheapens the whole movie.

Oh well a less than solid production but a 6 for a great cast.
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12 Monkeys: The Beginning Part 2 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 11
Quite simply one of the greatest series endings
9 December 2018
I've loved 12 monkeys from the start. Season 1-2 had me hooked, I'll admit I drifted a little in season 3 and it got a little confusing but season 4 has completely blown me away. The finale episode was incredible and I don't think I've ever been so satisfied with a series ending. Well done syfy.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
Funny, smart - perfect!
16 August 2018
This show was VERY unfairly judged before anyone even watched it. If anything it's done the complete opposite of shaming anyone and actually celebrates people who are different from the 'norm' it's a hilarious and spectacular show of flamboyance and wit.

Debby Ryan leads an absolutely STELLAR cast playing Patty, a formally overweight bullied teenager turned beauty queen. Her portray is very relatable and charming, she will go far from this. The big attraction is the forever brilliant Alyssa Milano as corraline - the hillbilly turned Socialite in what is going to be remembered as one of her greatest roles. Dallas Roberts plays bob the pageant coach and husband of corraline. He is fantastically camp and absolutely hilarious. The one character who's had me in tears of laughter is Irene choi's pint sized Dixie Sinclair. Her character starts out on the back burner but the character quickly turns into the funniest attributes about the whole show.

In summary, I LOVE this show. It could go far should the creators stretch past the pageant storyline and branch into the realities of growing up. For a first season it's surpassed any level of expectation and I fully like ok forward to more from this. Well done.
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