
12 Reviews
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Illbleed (2001 Video Game)
Overlooked horror masterpiece!
1 December 2017
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Illbleed is a video game that released on the Sega Dreamcast back in 2001. Its a horror-survival/adventure game.

This game amazing, its loaded with features and will keep you entertained for a long time. It has good graphics and a even better soundtrack and voice acting. Illbleed is very creepy and will scare you. Its not for the faint of heart lol.

You are in a horror amusement park and walk to 7 different theaters to play a level. Each level has a different story, and then it ties together at the end if you finish it all. The format really makes the game fun and non linear, it also has stores and doctors offices you can visit to buy things and upgrade your character.

This is my favorite Dreamcast game. 10/10
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1 December 2017
I was shocked this movie was on TV so soon, i was so excited to watch it..... But after like 2 minutes I knew it was a major let down. It has a cheap look to it... And not in a good way like some low budget indie movies look good. the acting is corny and cringy.

The creeper isn't even scary in this one.

I had high expectations for this movie because part 1 and 2 are so good.

We can only hope for a part 4...
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You're Next (2011)
Good, but needed more horror elements
1 December 2017
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Its a really good movie, great soundtrack, decent writing, decent acting. The "animals" are some of the best modern day horror killers created recently. The only thing that brings the movie down is that the killers are just regular lowlives that got paid to kill the family. It turns it more into a murder mystery drama instead of a horror movie like i was hoping for.

Don't get me wrong, its still horror, but i wish it was MORE horror and not just greedy kids.
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Doesn't age well, annoying...
4 November 2017
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The only thing I like about this movie is the intro with the view of New York city and the soft music playing in the background. Everything else is a 1/10.

The entire movie is just annoying, the redhead who has the baby appears dumbfounded, confused, and mumbles through the whole movie. The old lady neighbors voice is straight annoying and obnoxious.

Its too bland and boring.
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Harsh Times (2005)
Excellent late night movie for bros to chill
4 November 2017
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This is the kind of movie I categorize as "street-crime-drama-action". It follows two adult friends who grew up together in the bad area of LA. One guy is a regular guy looking for a job, and the other guy is former army ranger who is looking to work in law enforcement. over the course of the movie they meet up with old friends, steal, lie, commit crimes, etc... the army ranger friend gets a little out of hand and things get out of control.

The final scenes are VERY dramatic and intense, I don't want to spoil it for you but the entire movie is worth watching so you can see the build up at the end. I felt bad for everyone.

Very good acting, good cinematography, good writing and script.

Harsh Times is the kind of movie you watch late at night while your chilling with your bros. Perfect movie for that. bottom line is its a FUN movie to watch. I was very entertained. They need to make more movies like this.
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This is horror! 10/10
19 October 2017
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At only 15 minutes long The 9th Circle will creep you out, scare you, keep you in suspense, and show you disturbing things of horror that you won't forget.

Remarkable story and pacing for such a short movie. It will ease you into a nightmare of hell! Great costume design, effects, music, and acting. I can see this short movie giving people nightmares.

10/10 for what it is.
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Modern classic horror movie...
19 October 2017
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All Hallows' Eve is a instant classic low budget horror movie. It features 3 short stories and a wrap around story that ties all the stories together, done very nicely. It's creepy, dirty, atmospheric, and keeps you on your feet the entire movie. The clown is obviously the scariest centerpiece of this movie, the clown in this movie is the SCARIEST clown I have ever seen! No other clowns even come close.

No low budget horror movie is "perfect", I don't want any movie to be "perfect" anyways, this is exactly how it should be. The only major thing I disliked about this movie was the alien part, but the thing I did like about the alien story is that it had some "Art" in it, LOL you will understand when you watch it.

The best story is the first one about a women who gets abducted by a clown and sent to the 9th circle to be tortured by monsters, demons, a witch, and the clown. extremely well done costumes, makeup, FX.

Overall a very entertaining movie and very well done. The ending is crazy and doesn't happen much in other movies. This movie isn't for kids or sensitive people. 8/10
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911 Nightmare (I) (2016)
Terrible movie
21 July 2017
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One of the worst lifetime movies I have seen. A female cop who is terrible at her job, she gets her dad cop partner killed, she gets shot in the leg, she transfers to 911 call center, she does a terrible job at that and talks rudely to a kid calling 911 for help resulting in the kids death... and the whole time shes hobbling around on her injured leg acting like shes a bad*ss strong female cop that's supposed to make us feel sorry for her...

She takes some time off from work to go independent and try to solve the crime herself that she botched when she was a 911 operator in a typical female action hero style.

0/10 from me. terrible movie, terrible acting, overall bad movie and not likable at all.
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Scariest Jason movie!
21 July 2017
Jason lives 1986 is the best Friday the 13th in my opinion. It has everything a Jason movie needs, the intense Jason scenes, the sound FX, the music, the acting, the filmography, the locations, everything ties together to make a great movie.

This is the scariest Friday the 13th by far. None of the others even come close.

One reason why Jason lives is so scary and serious is because while the movie does have some comedy to it, none of the comedy or jokes are aimed at Jason. So it keeps Jason scary and nothing to be laughing at about him.

10/10, plus how can you not like that dudes ripped up jeans, or the RV scene!
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Freakshow (1995)
One of the BEST lower budget horror movies of the 90's!
20 July 2017
I first saw this movie in the mid 90's right after it released to movie rental stores. I would always rent this and eventually buy it.

This movie proves you don't need a $100 million budget to make a excellent movie. VERY original stories and presentation. Teens go to a carnival and hear stories from the "Freak Master" in the freak show attraction. The movie is split up into different stories told by the freak master.

The baby with the teeth is really scary, you will know what i mean...hehe. Lyman the unspeakable is my favorite story in this movie.
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No One Would Tell (1996 TV Movie)
Classis lifetime movie
20 July 2017
This is a classic made for TV movie from 1996, its about teenagers and domestic violence leading to murder, based on a true story.

I've watched this probably 20 times over the years, the only bad thing I have to say is the overall "style" and feel of the movie is getting more and more outdated as time goes on, but that's how it goes for most made for TV lifetime movies. they age bad.

The acting is decent. The soundtrack is pretty good.
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Perfect horror movie!
20 July 2017
The Horror Show is an amazing movie. It has everything a horror movie should have, I can't think of one thing I didn't like or that it's missing. The acting is great and while it is 99% horror, it does have some comedy mixed in, but it only adds to the movie. This movie only gets better with time.

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