
7 Reviews
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Invincible (2021– )
A Wagyu beef that aged like last years milk
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After a stunning s1 it saddens me to write this, found this show completely unwatchable but stayed through because I liked s1 and I had high hopes and excpectations it would lead to something but it didn't. This snoozefest of a chite show is so boring it gave me a lasting headache after 4 eps of this trash. Really a shame the first s was so promising and it was great. S2 I still excpected a superhero show but got this lame and exaggerated unnecesserily stretched out and never ending soapy goo instead. It tries to force you to be invested but fails greatly with the dull writing. Do yourself a favour and don't watch it save your time and spare yourself from this astronomical drop in quality s1 is a 9 s2 is a rock sollid 1 way to ruin the show.
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Invincible: It's Been a While (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
How the mighty fall - A 4 ep destruction
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Worst trash I've seen this year it's extremely dumb and boring and gave me more headache than joy. It's a complete waste of time and it's a subversion of excpectations from what was built up in s1 and unilaterally in a bad way, it's like they did a full bone graft of everything that worked from s1 and replaced it with maneur so it's nice and full of chit for 4 episodes. I feel bait and switched here I excpected an exciting suerhero animation but got a stupid slow and boring exaggerated and stretcht out soapy goo that never seemed to end. Can't believe people actually like s2 possibly fake hype ? What a disappointment a disgraceful way to follow up the greatness in quality from s1 I'm out and it's a sollid 1/10 from me.
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Invincible: This Missive, This Machination! (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Last ep I though was a kids show this one's just crap
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I sigh when I say this "where should I begin" ? Last ep had a lot of empty talk and lack of cohesion this one had as well. Last ep mark fought a cracken like seamonster on easymode causing so little challenge to him that like the rest of the episode I really didn't care everything became so "made for children like" and dull this ep is worse. There are so many conversations here I don't care about like last ep I felt It was more like a soap with all these jammed in emotional scenes and different plotlines changing a bit here and there that we had to follow and not enough superhero stuff and importand dialouge and well paced and intense action as well as an entire well paced and intense episode. It's like they pulled out all the seriousness the intensity and intelligence of the show toned it down and replaced it with something supposed to suit kids .. too a certain degree .. lot's of explicit action between couples in ep 3 too long and streched out scenes imo they are awkward and doesn't really add annything of importance and it gave a reason for them to add the worst and most annoying narrator voice as if he's speaking to .. you guessed it .. children . He spends too much time as Mark and too little time as Invincible for me and one other thing that annoys me is how naive they made him, a random ailien shows up at his college doorm and tells him of this big threat putting his people and planet at danger and with barely any questioning about the integrity of this stranger he joins him on this quest to save the strangers planet in a different galaxy far far away as If you couldn't see from the moon the guy was lying and things werent as he said after all at his planet and that was a pretty underwhelming way to finaly expose Omniman, seriously disappointing from what feels like new showrunners or new directions either way I don't like it. Allen the alien is a fool without hesitation all he needed to spoil top secret interplanetary spy secrets was some intergalactic fast food and a date .. (sigh again) and there's a very underwhelming scene were 3 vitrumites beats him up in a predictable slow paced and lackluster fight where they once again removed the pace and aggression from the action to take away any intense excitement for the viewer here. I don't recognise the things that worked from season 1 and that's a shame the storytelling feels streched they gotten lazy leaving big plot holes some times lot's of entire scenes and conversations I don't care about and none of the intensity that made me love the show in the first place and they also added lot's of Marvel like humor moments where you're supposed to laugh that were pretty unfunny .. (sigh) .
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Invincible: A Lesson for Your Next Life (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Good start then slows down - decent +
4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode started out as a mfer. It starts out with Mark and Omniman being absolutely brutal in the true Viltrumite spirit, spoiler alert they are in an alternative dimension feared the multiverse was back but it's ok they don't do themselfes away completly. Bit slow after the opening but for me I feel like this is the show sometimes, nice to see old faces Immortal is ailve ? Thought he was dead but Cecil rewived him again maybe ... Amber is Amber and there's a new villain he's crazy seems like a psycopath (guess we'll see there..) makes stupid choices blows himself and other's up and goes mad(er). Feel like the scene where the villain in the chair was straped in the experiment could have been more intense hope the show picks up more of the pace from the opening part later. Bit tame at times but it usually get's worth it if you stay the ride.
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Kungen (2023)
Not what you think and terrible journalist
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This doc was just about ruined by the journalist. She pretty much shows from the start what a child trapped in an "adults" body looks like.

As a documentary you pretty much learn nothing but how ill-mannered a journalist can be when they really put effort behind it. The images are beautifully shot and the King is great and preserves himself with dignity over her constant snarky remarks and questions, why the palace accepted this interview I do not know they must have been as startled as I was.

From the start her mocking attitude of everything surrounding the Castle sets a bad precedent for what's about to come. If she had so much disdain for the king and the monarchy it's quite petty to show up just to be rude, her anti the King anti the Monarchy anti "history and men" agenda became absurd and quite embarrassing to watch. She entered with a strong bias and acted like a petulant child from the start and was more concerned of degrading the King with condescending remarks and questions instead of getting to know him by being tactful and getting him to open up so we could delve more into of the Kings persona and the Swedish monarchies history. Feels more like a personal attack on the King and the institution than an educational documentary. What a shame and a waste of time.
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Accountability, is it justified and gender
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about weather or not your actions is justified based on your gender and weather or not you should be held accountable for your actions based on your gender. And as the movie is trying to tell you if you are a woman you should not. I am not a sexist but this movie is just ridiculous. And here they are ALL terrible people except the cop who is not perfect (as no one is), but just alright.

We meet Artan who without any explanation goes to a hospital, punches the receptionist in the face and demands to see his ex- wife for a reason we at this point do not know. He is angry, sad and depressed and clearly out of his mind, so he pulls a gun, and after a hostage situation he kidnaps his ex- wife and drive off with a cop forced to drive the g.a. Car. After 38 minutes things start to unravel and you get a deeper understanding of what has happened between the ex- couple and why he is so distressed. His wife wrongly accused him of being neglectfull and abusive of their child, and for pushing her father who came to kick him out. Turns out the reason she accused him was because she was mad at him for cheating and she wanted revenge so she frames him for her actions even though she was the one who neglected the child and put it in hot water which he tried to save the child from. So he ends up with 3 months in jail. She has some undisclosed mental issues and takes many pills regularly to keep her self steady'er and was clearly in a bad state during this time of their relationship. So Artan neglects her to take care of the child. Clearly a match never ment to be.

Artan is desperate to be with his family so he forces by gun his ex- wife and the cop to stop at her parents house to pick up their 1 y.o. Daughter (the only innocent person in the movie). There we meet her parents, probably the most racist people in Sweden. So, after a tumultuous altercation with her extremely and still 'racist' parents, they pick up their daughter and the kidnaping- convoy moves on.

Artan has now kidnaped his ex- wife and 1 y.o. Daughter and is looking for a way out. They drive along as Artan is looking for a way out and more revelations comes out. The cop also cheated on his ex-wife and has a troubled relationship with his son who blames him for breaking up their family. And Louise (Artans ex- wife) blames her neglect and abuse on her mental state, saying she had a psychosis and that she shouldn't be blamed because no mother intentionally wants to hurt their child and that's supposed to make it okey (not that it matteres for the abused and neglected child).

Eventually things come to an end and Artan is apprehended by the police and Louise is left with the child. And I am left with the impression that there is no real winners in this movie (except Louise who is not prosecuted for neglect and abuse of her own child). We don't see it because the movie ends but Artan is probably and 'rightfully so prosecuted for kidnaping, extortion, threatening and holding people hostage with a gun and violence against a woman (the receptionist), so he fully gets what he deserves. Yet, the real victim and looser of this movie is the 1 y.o. Daughter who is now stuck with her pill addicted and neglectful, abusive and mentally unstable mother and her racist grandparents.

So at the end of the day, this a deeply tragic movie where a little girl falls victim of terrible (meaning both of them) parents acting crazy and trying to justify their cruel and terrible actions. There is only one vicim here and that is the little girl who has to grow up with these terribly terrible people in this sad and tragic story.
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Baki Hanma (2021–2023)
Lost its soul
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was very disappointed to return to Baki. Waited two years to se old characters again to see that they have changed alot. Baki isn't very present in the series (season 2) and Yujiro like many other charachters have lost his mind, his intelligence, retoric and presence. He is no longer terrifying in charachter and I don't await his presence with the same exitement as I used to. This new version is just too absurd for me, and not in a fun way. Yujiro has lost his arrogance.

The exhange of intellect and mental strengt through wisdom, power and strategy has mostly been replaced with empty conversations about very little, and ofcourse a bit of lecturing. Didn't get the loveletter to martial arts with an exaggerated and comical take through those random interactions and tournaments where they would boast and brag about the history and all the rigorous training behind every move and martial art and how they've been honning their crafts for years, but now I at least know that we need to save endagered animals and protect the environment (Not that I don't agree or care, It's just not what I came for).

All over: Quite boring, same voices, different minds and slow paced. Disappointing.
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